Let me start off by saying that the three of us (Toku, my partner and I) are all deeply impressed by what the community has put together for us. From lodging, to transport, to the actual tickets we’re super excited to be attending ETH Argentina and can’t thank you all enough for your confidence in us. We’ll be sure to make the most of the occasion from photo opps to press events, everything we can do to give Toku the attention he deserves.
Furthermore, the commitment made by you all to help ensure that as many dog shelters as humanly possible receive the help and support they need to foster and home as many dogs as they can is overwhelmingly kind and exceeds our wildest expectations. We are beyond grateful.
In the meantime leading up to the ETH Argentina event Toku can be found cleaning up the city as we’ve joined a local community effort here to help clean up our streets in an attempt to promote tourism and better our lives. Wouldn’t you know it, there’s nobody more helpful than Toku.