Easter with my girlfriend’s family was everything we could have hoped for and more. It was great connecting with everyone and seeing them all in good health, especially after last month’s health scare. Introducing Toku to family members that had never met him: they would have almost never guessed just how anxious he once was.
Adopting Toku has been one of, if not the, greatest joys of my life over the past decade. Helping him go from shy-boy to super-hero has been an honor and a privilege and my ultimate goal here is to get more and more people adopting and giving good dogs loving and proper homes.
Getting more and more comfortable with other dogs Toku has been recruiting quite the A-Team to take down the evil leaf. What exactly their plan is, I cannot say for certain as Toku and his team are keeping things very hush-hush. Something about not involving the humans too early as they often fall subject to greed and lack mental aptitude.
In all seriousness and in spite of Easter weekend, Toku and I have been exceedingly busy over the past week putting all the pieces into place. Having just recently come to understand what memes are and within his desire to improve; Toku has brought onboard a reputable teacher.