What a week.
For a shy-dog Toku sure has had a lot of company over recently. Seems like he’s going to be getting more involved in the community he’s inspired. It’s hard to know what exactly he and his new friends are up to back there if you can’t read snouts. Whatever it is — they’re getting along famously.
Toku has been teething for a little while now and lost another tooth today. It’s crazy to think this young shy dog is becoming a man and a beauty to behold all the same. The days of him getting bigger by the day shall soon pass and in their place: a fully grown alpha male.
I’ve really been enjoying the time off, and surprisingly, so has my girlfriend. She apparently enjoys it when I’m home. I’ll return to work at some point, when I feel like it. It’s silly to say but I honestly don’t want to miss a single moment of Toku’s growing-up. I’m really glad he found such a good friend/mentor to bond with. He’s a quick learner.