A mom and daughter came to visit Toku today. After some time, the trio began bonding. Dogs are such loving creatures; they’ll love anyone given half a chance. Even those that harm them. It’s hard to imagine who, or how, or why someone becomes inspired to harm them.
Letting his guard down some Toku, of his own accord, made his way over to them for some attention. Seeming at first to be a good fit, the mother daughter combo soon after began arguing with one another about what Toku does or does not like. Just when I was starting to think we’d found some promising prospects they began quite literally arguing in our living room.
Toku is incredibly intelligent. I think that’s where his anxiety comes from. Classic over-thinker. Now I know that everyone says their dog is a rocket-scientist, but I’ve been volunteering at shelters for over seven years now, meeting more than my fair share of canines, and remember Toku’s not my dog. He is however: incredibly bright and remarkably resourceful.
It’s the strangest thing. Toku doesn’t wake us, he watches us. Choosing to sleep throughout the day while patrolling the house at night, it’s becoming more and more frequent that we wake up to find him intently watching us.
I’m glad my girlfriend talked me into this blog. We’re both really gonna miss Toku
when he’s gone. It’ll be a bittersweet moment the day someone comes to collect him. On one hand we’re eager for him to be well-homed and on the other, we’ll inevitably end up devastated.