Return Of The King, Adopting Toku: Day 500

3 min readJun 6, 2024


Just over three months ago was the 1 Year Anniversary since Toku launched the first ever dog-launched cryptocurrency. Toku’s growth this past year has been so much more than just physical. He’s gone from being a timid, shy, pup to an almighty presence of strength; a truly remarkable canine specimen and friend.

The King returns.

About a year ago the laptop Toku launched his token from was hacked. Which just goes to show- it can happen to anyone, even tech gurus like Toku. Which is probably why Toku’s become so passionate about web security and how best to protect the community going forward.

Furthermore, on a much more personal note, my own absence is on account of my father-in-law’s passing. It was sudden — a real reality check. One I likely needed. Life is short: so make hay while the sun is shining.

Stepping back into it, it’s crazy to find the project inbox filled with so many people who see so much promise in Toku’s token. The biggest compliment we’ve received being that his story is wholesome, unique and well-worth sharing on-chain. Not to mention it was the first ever documented dog-launched cryptocurrency in the world. I’m admittedly curious what happens once we rally those in support of Toku amid the current market sentiment/frenzy.

Toku has done and seen so much in life in spite of only being seventeen months old. He’s fully grown and confident as can be. Everyone I know is excited to see what next this incredible canine accomplishes, both in life and in the digitally forming frontier we call crypto. We couldn’t be prouder.

PS — My girlfriend is now my fiancé and is officially 3 months pregnant as of last week. Life comes at you fast. Think less, do more, be spontaneous and make the most of what little time you have. I promise it’s worth it.

44 days old Toku.

